APOBEC | cancer drugs discovery


Eliminating human suffering and supporting cutting edge healthcare is a key value Tawfiks engages with. This is supported by investments at early growth stages that are based on solid science, and backed by a dedicated team. APOBEC Discovery Ltd. is founded by prominent scientist Professor James Scott, FRCP, FMedSci, FRS, Professor of Medicine, Imperial College.


APOBEC proteins have been recently recognised as the most significant cause of cancer driving genetic mutations, even more so than smoking or UV radiation. These mutations lead to not only the cause and growth of many common cancers, but also their spread and the development of drug treatment resistance in the cancer. APOBEC Discovery Limited (ADL) is seeking to develop novel treatments to inhibit the harmful activity of these proteins to create a completely new class of anti-cancer therapy. A safe and effective APOBEC-inhibiting drug should have a broad range of activity across a number of common cancers: preventing growth, spread and treatment resistance. It may also have potential opportunity to be utilised to prevent cancers forming in high-risk individuals.

Official site → Brand and website to be launched soon (2022)

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ADM MEDSOFTS | agriculture & nutrition